So the Nexus 7 LTE arrived and I'm basically setup on it now. I have to wipe the old one, but I've run into more issues with my Samsung Note 2, to the point where it crashes and reboots more than once a week (twice today). It needs to be wiped, and I need to format and reload the last laptop we have in the house as well. Busy week for gear fiddling.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
PowerShell script to list installed updates
I've built a script that will allow a user (no need to elevate unless using the execution policy bypass option) to get a list of the system's installed updates and outputs them to a spreadsheet (CSV), console, or be piped to some other function. Still working on listing the superseded updates, as they tend to be numerous and nested.
I will try to find a style sheet for displaying code similar to the Windows Server 2012+ PowerShell ISE, but for now...
#Get-AllInstalledUpdates.ps1 version 0.2.1
#Author: James Carter
#Used for determining currently installed updates that are NOT staged and are reported as enabled and used, including Windows OS and Application updates like service packs.
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
#Bypass whatever Execution Policy that might be in force for the duration of the process.
#Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
#File browser function creation (used to generate GUI file browser so user can select CSV location)
function Invoke-FileBrowser
param([string]$Title,[string]$Directory,[string]$DefaultFileName,[string]$Filter="All Files (*.*)|*.*")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
$FileBrowser.InitialDirectory = $Directory
$FileBrowser.Filter = $Filter
$FileBrowser.Title = $Title
$FileBrowser.FileName = $DefaultFileName
$Show = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
If ($Show -eq "OK")
Return $FileBrowser.FileName
Write-Error "Restore cancelled by user."
#File browser invocation to select target file location (comment this out if you plan on using a fixed file name and location below)
$file = Invoke-FileBrowser -Title "Browse" -DefaultFileName "CurrentlyInstalledUpdates.csv" -Filter "All Files (*.csv)|*.csv"
#Begin object creation using Update Searcher to iterate through updates on the current host ("IsInstalled=1" to find what is installed, with a "0" to help find what's missing).
$searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher
$searcher.Online = $true
$searcher.ServerSelection = 1
$results = $searcher.Search('IsInstalled=1')
#Show results to console
#$results.Updates | Select-Object @{Name="KBArticleIDs"; Expression={$_.KBArticleIDs}}, @{Name="SecurityBulletinIDs"; Expression={$_.SecurityBulletinIDs}}, Title, MsrcSeverity, @{Name="SupercededUpdateIDs"; Expression={$_.SupercededUpdateIDs}}, @{Name="UpdateID"; Expression={$_.Identity.UpdateID}}
#Show count of updates installed to console
#Output results to a fixed CSV file (comment this out if you plan on using the Invoke-FileBrowser method from above).
#$results.Updates | Select-Object @{Name="KBArticleIDs"; Expression={$_.KBArticleIDs}}, @{Name="SecurityBulletinIDs"; Expression={$_.SecurityBulletinIDs}}, Title, MsrcSeverity, @{Name="SupercededUpdateIDs"; Expression={$_.SupercededUpdateIDs}}, @{Name="UpdateID"; Expression={$_.Identity.UpdateID}} | Export-Csv d:\Storage\allinstalledupdates.csv
#Write results to CSV at user selected location
$results.Updates | Select-Object @{Name="KBArticleIDs"; Expression={$_.KBArticleIDs}}, @{Name="SecurityBulletinIDs"; Expression={$_.SecurityBulletinIDs}}, Title, MsrcSeverity, @{Name="SupercededUpdateIDs"; Expression={$_.SupercededUpdateIDs}}, @{Name="UpdateID"; Expression={$_.Identity.UpdateID}} | Export-Csv $file
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Finally! JLAudio - Stealthbox® for my Nissan Juke!
Car Audio - Stealthbox® - Nissan - Juke
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Google Music on a useful storage mount? [Q] Google Music saved to external SD card solution?
Thursday, January 31, 2013
S Pen getting even more love?
Samsung solidifies commitment to S Pen with 5% stake purchase in Wacom
I am starting to enjoy the stylus, but it's a bit of a transition for me. My friend Cory mentioned I'd like it, but it's been a long time since I've used a Palm IIIxe or a PPC. ;-)
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
And I'm back...
So I got that Galaxy Tab, got back into college, and then got a layoff notice. Boo... I got picked up by Microsoft, moved to Los Angeles, then Folsom, and then left the company and I'm back in Arizona. I'll fill in the blanks later. Our something. :-)a